Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Brushing Teeth Games

                                                                    Brushing teeth games                                  
Brushing teeth is a vital activity in ensuring overall health, and these efforts have been encouraged by the brushing teeth games that have emerged in online markets.                                          
According to the developers of these games, they are useful in helping mainly children in learning how to brush their teeth every day, beneficial in directing them in the importance of visiting the dentist on a regular basis, getting available brasses to improve the outlook of their teeth and to equip them with other dentist oriented topics.                                                                                                             
Since kids have the conceptual fear of the unknown, going to the dentist seems a scary idea, one that cannot be realized if a guardian is unavailable. Thanks to these sorts of games, our young generation is embracing dental practices; believe more in the power of proper dental hygiene practices and having the ability to make improvements about oral health.                                                                                                   
These sites that offer these games are mostly online, an advantage since the 21st century child has access to the internet.                                                                                                                           
For instance, a game dubbed “Teeth Game” in duckiedeck.com is a game that persuades and encourages the children to become hygienic. It utilizes the image of a hippo which is displayed an unhygienic animal. The picture creates that initial thought to a child of the presence of extremely dirty teeth.                  
The aim of their game is to help the child use their abilities to turn the hippo’s dirty teeth into cleaner ones, positive impact since this will only be made if the children clean its teeth.                                 
By continual systematic cleaning using this game, the children create a mental picture of what ought to be done, a trait that these children will develop in cleaning their own teeth in their own real lives. This is extremely possible since kids learn by the power of imitation; we also know how much kids love games.
All these games have been customized for kids and hence do not require parental guidance or viewer discretion for that matter. They are fun and easy for kids to understand and automatically experiment with them. Other similar games from this site are the following:
·         The Memory Game.
·         The Potty Training.
·         The Dentist Games.
Another site that offers perfected games for kids to learn how to learn and maintain their oral health is from the site www.learninggamesforkids.com/health_games_dental.html which displays a variety of games including:
·         The Which Word.
·         The Match It.
·         The Sliding Puzzle.
·         The Dental Word-O-Rama.
·         The Dental Jiqsaw.
·         The Audio Word Match.

·         The Molar Madness. And other games that are beneficial to this cause.

1 comment:

  1. That is something unique. Most of the kids have problem with going to dental clinic. I guess this will be very helpful for parents. Lat time when I visited Dentzz for my dental treatments I took my kid along, but that turned out to be a bad decision. he literally ran from there seeing all the setup. This game thing would really be helpful. I would add this game thing in my dentzz review blog so that other parents can use this as well. Thanks
